Empowering communities across 2,500+
American cities and expanding globally.
Simon Solutions

Empowering Thousands of Communities
in over 2,500 cities in 49 states

Charitytracker map

Examples of how our social good tech is advancing community impact strategies:

  • Coordinated Comprehensive Care
  • Improved Community Health
  • Streamlined Workforce Development
  • Enhanced Disaster Preparedness
  • Asset-based Community Development
  • CRD — Next Generation of 2-1-1
  • Combat Human Trafficking in America
  • Keep Track of Immigrants & Refugees
  • Reduced Food Insecurity

We're inspired by stakeholders using our technology to spark community conversations, foster cross-sector collaboration, and engage in collective actions that drive meaningful and lasting change.

Our National Social Impact

city iconfamily iconcharity icondollars savedduplication reducedmoney bag
Number of
Cities Impacted
Number of
People Served
Number of
Care Networks
Community Dollars
Duplication Reduced
As Much As
Average Annual
Budget Savings
22.7 Million
2 Billion

Our Collaborative Solutions for Communities

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crozdeckstar review
g2star review

Proven Social Good With Measurable Results

Individuals & Families

Individuals & Families

Now, every child, adult, and family gains boundless access to a treasure trove of information and resources that are constantly updated in real-time.

This incredible access opens doors to a better quality of life and a future filled with endless possibilities and vibrant opportunities.

Helping  Agencies

Helping Agencies

Now, every agency gains peace of mind, fully assured that their distinctive mission is a vital part of a grand, holistic strategy aimed at revolutionizing lives.

This comprehensive approach promises to weave together efforts and aspirations into a life-changing continuum of change, progress, and growth.



Now, every donor, foundation, and business gains greater confidence that their resources get into the right hands at exactly the right moment.

This assurance ignites a powerful chain of impact, ensuring that every contribution makes a significant, timely difference.



Now, every civic stakeholder gains enriched community intelligence through dynamic knowledge-sharing and collective wisdom pooling.

This vibrant collaboration sets the stage for an unprecedented wave of community impact, creating a tapestry of transformation and unity.

"When life restoration is our vision for a world of human brokenness, we absolutely must collaborate. All of us lose when agencies and communities of faith react to these needs in isolation. CharityTracker provides our three-county network with a simple, yet solid communications platform for a response that makes the most of our resources to strengthen our communities as we strengthen the lives of our neighbors whom we serve."
Cathy Easley
Cathy Easley
Trident United Way
Charleston, SC

Trusted By 30,000 + Users

Collaborative PartnersCollaborative PartnersCollaborative PartnersCollaborative PartnersCollaborative PartnersCollaborative Partners
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
— Helen Keller —