In the early months of 2007, the remarkable story of S.E.A.N.Tracker began to ripple throughout Alabama, capturing widespread attention and admiration. Tina Scott, the United Way Director, found herself inundated with calls from various communities, all eager to learn about our breakthrough in unifying helping agencies. The buzz around our success was accelerating.
Fast forward to today, and the S.E.A.N. Tracker model has become a cornerstone of care networking, now active in an impressive 60% of Alabama counties. This network of staff and volunteers has been a catalyst for nearly two million acts of compassion and assistance.
The evolution of S.E.A.N. Tracker didn't stop there. It transformed into a more advanced tool, fostering enhanced communication, cooperation, and collaboration among aid organizations. Embracing this growth, we rebranded this powerful solution as
CharityTracker, a name that encapsulates its mission and impact.